The owner of the company


Fears. This one is not about product today it's about fears. Overcoming something major. It may be small to some but for me it was battling anxiety and ptsd at the doctors office. I've never been to the dentist and let's face it, it's not a fun task to begin with. 

I panicked so bad.

But I did it! And it was so so hard. It was the hardest thing ever had to do. I had to fight and I mean fight beyond what I thought I was capable of. It was the longest 15 minutes of my life, but I learned that it's OK to need other people to help you get thru something.  The doctor and her assistant were helping me get through it at my pace and my hubby was there holding my hand all the way through. I couldn't have asked for a better village today and, of course, God giving me the strength and courage is number one!!! He gets all the glory. 

It's OK to need someone if you have crazy anxiety like I do. But don't forget to be other people's village also. They didn't have to help me at all today but they did and it helped to much. Be a village to someone today. You never know if someone is going to need you even if for a second! And it's OK to be scared! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise OK. You are strong, you are capable and you can do ANYTHING you put your mind too. It's OK girl, you got this and when it's over with you'll feel like a warrior..and rightfully so!

Xoxo J

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