Our story

Where it all started

Ever since I was little I struggled doing day to day activities. I've had problems with learning in school, learning at my past jobs, and starting my own business. It's not always easy for me to just watch and do. Years ago, I had joined a company for the discount on their products and I would watch their influencers demonstrate putting on makeup live on Facebook. Such a neat little tool to have right? Most of the people I watched had regular eyes, or what seemed like perfect skin, they were right handed etc. None of that was me. I'm left handed, extra backwards might I add, and I have hooded eyes. No one is created equal and not everyone is that fancy when it comes to putting on makeup. It drove me insane because I couldn't do it like they could. I'm just not that way. 

I'm the type of girl who gets up late, slaps it all together, pulls myself together and runs out the door forgetting everything in the process. I don't have the patience to do all the things. So I wanted to create product that was simple to use. I wanted you to be able to feel confident and look amazing in the process with very little effort. Not everyone is going to want to do the crazy stuff. Most of you may be just mom's out there doing your best just trying to keep the kids alive. And youre doing great by the way I just wanted to add that.

My point is, we created this company to change the way you feel about doing the things you always wanted to try to do. We're here to hold your hand and cheer you on! It doesn't have to be hard! We want to include tutorials with each product giving you an idea on how to use them and the benefits of each thing. They will be in the blogs, in the product description,  videos on each product, and on YouTube. I'll even go live to get ready and you can watch me in all my backwardness. 

I'm just your average girl, trying to get ready for the day. Don't over think it just do it. We want to create a community of positive people cheering eachother on using great products that will make you feel like a million bucks. I do hope.ypull follow our socials and come hang out a while. Thank you for being here and supporting a small business! You are why I'm here! Xoxo J