Girl showing bronzed sunkissed self tanning arms and white legs to show the difference

Lets talk about self tanner!

Let's face it. We all have those issues where sometimes tanning looks amazing and sometimes it just messes up. Aaahhhh, it's like a bad hair day. Here's some interesting tips I've found to fix that. 

Exfoliate & Shave

Everyone pretty much knows this is a must right?! Here's the thing.. our skin recovers at different rates so make sure you wait 24 hrs before applying self tanner. The point of exfoliating is to remove dead skin cells to give yourself a smooth canvas. 


This can be a game changer but with a lotion that is not oil based! So make sure you moisturize while using self tanner but not the day of application. You want that 8 hr developer to kick in and do it's job quickly and correctly. One of the ways you can tell a lotion is water based or oil based is by the first ingredient.  Ingredient lists on products tend to rank from the most amount to the least amount when it comes to how much of something is in a product. That first line is everything.  

Pore's on, Pore's off

I was going for Mr. Miyagi vibes here. Anyways, you showered right?! I know your excited to apply the tanner but you need to wait. Your pores need to be closed before applying! Tanner not only will sit in cracks and scars but pores too. Itll make you look dirty. Some places on the body soak up quicker than others. Thank goodness you can fix it with our exfoliating mitt; whew that was a close one! Be patient grasshoppa! You can wait a few hours or turn the cold water on for a few minutes to help them close. Yikes! Only the brave girl, only the brave. I do mine around 6pm-ish. After dinner or so. I give myself 12 hours to develop and set before I shower and such. You're less likely rub your tan off sleeping unless your a fighter lol. 

Bits and Pieces

Last but not least, the bits of lingering info. 

Your tan will depend on YOU! Are you hydrating? Are you tanning and then going swimming? Are you tanning and then cutting the lawn? Don't do it. Your tan depends on the things you do. That's why I say nighttime is best. Super hot showers can fade your tan, sweating will make it streaky, wearing clothes and doing tons of walking or rubbing can fade it etc. That first day you apply is going to make or break it. Let it do it's thing for 8-12 hrs, take a cool shower and let the cosmetics part wash off with gentle soaps, lotion with a water based lotion and go strut your stuff. 

Remember in all this, you are beautiful.  You are strong, you are amazing and you are worth it. Regardless of all the beauty hacks, you're still one of a kind gorgeous and don't you forget it. 


Love xoxo,

Jersey J




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