The company's skin care routine for normal skin. It shows the Resting Beach Face line in face wash. Toner, serum, moisturizer  and eye cream.

The Purge

Always do a swatch test on your inner arm (just below your elbow bend) before using a new product and let it sit for a day before using. Whether it's makeup, perfume, skin care, lotions, tanners etc. Trust me on this.
Skin care routines can bring out the worst acne in the beginning but it doesn't mean anything bad. Most often it takes the skin 30 days to get use to the new routine and as long as your consistent you'll see results in 2-6 months. If your breaking out a lot more than usual, it could mean your sweat is having a reaction to what your using (makeup, lotions, sunscreen etc). It also depends on what's happening and here's how you can tell the difference. .
If your skin starts breaking out with pimples it is called purging. Purging is when your skin care is bringing all those microcomedones to the surface and then the skin care is supposed to help you out with breakout prevention. During this period you can have purging plus irritation that's normal. But if the irritation doesn't improve or the purging doesn't stop in 4-6 weeks it's safe to say that that skin care routine isn't for you. Consistency with the purging stage is key. If you aren't consistent you are just irritating your skin at this point and all is for nothing. 
Now the location of this purge should actually be where you normally break out. It may not always mean that but it should. So if your breaking out all over it could mean that what your using isn't for you or it's not non-comedogenic. Non-comedogenic means it has properties in it that stop the product from getting stuck in your pores which cause the break out. If your product contains these ingredients it's contributing to the purge and doing what it's supposed to do.. 
Any retinoids, glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, salicylic acid, azelaic acid, or enzymes
If you don't have these in your product and your skin is still purging your having a reaction not a purge. Stuff like vitamin c, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants etc should not cause a purge reaction. It also depends on how much your putting on. Let's say moisturizer.. if I put on a lot my skin breaks out but if I use a minimal amount on just the dry areas I don't break out. Understanding your skin care is important because everyone's different and that's the beauty of it. What one skin care product can do for one person may be completely opposite with another. That's why we developed a few different systems so you can have your own choice for what works for you. I'm here to help you every step of the way. 
XOXO Jersey 
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